Russ Dalbey’s “Winning in the cash flow business” HUGE Scam!!!!!!! GET YOUR MONEY BACK

24 Apr

Russ Dalbey’s “Winning in the cash flow business” HUGE Scam!!!!!!!  GET YOUR MONEY BACK

It is a SCAM!!! Plain and Simple… Period! Why don’t you all just email Russ and Cathy Dalbey themselves…. Below are their email addresses…

Maybe they will give you a refund if you ask real nice… Forget the Attorney General and the BBB… You will not get anywhere there… his real fear is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Make sure you email them And customer service and tell them you are going to complain the the FTC… They are breathing down his butt as we speak… If you do not get what you want then, as soon as you hang up the phone with Dalbey Education Institute, pick up the phone and call the FTC. At least then you will know you are helping to bring this scum bag and his gold digging, money hungry, power hungry wife down once and for all. Lets expose his stupid self for who he really is! This guy is seriously the most paranoid person I have EVER met. Russ actually thinks he can run this company on his own… Funny… He really is an idiot! People just kiss his butt because he is the boss… There is know one there that actually has ANY respect for him. NONE!

Here are some facts about this scum bag….

FACT… Russ Dalbey has really has only done one… maybe two note deals in his entire life… Trust me… it is true… He made his fortune riping YOU HIS CUSTOMERS OFF!

FACT… He Divorced his wife, while she was recovering from a stroke after he knocked up the the receptionist… Then married her… and she became the COO of his company… now the president… Receptionist to COO to President…. She is HOT… this and only this is the reason she has the position she does… The Executive Staff and the everyone in the company laughs at her and makes fun of her. She is really an idiot!

FACT… There is not a single employee in the entire company that actually cares about your success.. Well I take that back… if you happen to be one of the lucky “one in a thousand” that actually closes a note deal then they will want you to come to the “Headquarters” so he can parade you around to his employees. Or better year… parade you around to people that fly in for the workshop that will cost you thousands to attend.

FACT… Customers are ALWAYS being made fun of. There is a wall when you walk into the building that says the “Wall of Success” which features customers that have closed note deals… These are seriously the only people that have ever closed a deal in this company… AND in the five years I worked for The Dalbey Education Institute these “Success Stories’ were not changed even one time.

Fact… The “Wall of Success” is commonly referred to as “The Wall of Weirdo’s” by ALL of the employees in the company. This is a FACT! You are ALL being made fun of and laughed at as you walk through the building…

FACT… Everything from the moment you walk into the building is scripted… If you look upstairs to the “Sales Floor”… That is the group of people that have ripped you off… Notice all the flat screen tv’s up there hanging from the walls that are off. That is only because YOU are there… throughout the rest of the day… It streams the Daily and Weekly sales figures up there… that they DO NOT want you to see.


Russ Dalbey and his trophy wife Cathy have no interest in anyone but themselves. They have an entire team of people in place to make up and put out “Good Press” to the public about all of the Dalbeys “Good Doings” .

FACT>>>> FACT>>>> FACT>>> Someone above stated something about “Rip Off Report” being paid off. THIS IS TRUE! All of the stories you read there are true. ALL OF THEM!

This guy is making MILLIONS of dollars a year with this SCAM! Millions and Millions of dollars ripping you off each and every day!

Russ Dalbey and his Gold Digging wife (who will fire any woman who she think wants to sleep with her husband) are so living in their own fantasy world! They actually believe the lies that they tell to people. The really do believe it at this point. It is SICK! They are SICK!

Russ Dalbey is one of the bigest womanizers I have ever met. I can not tell you the number of his employees he has slept with… Basically if you are a good looking woman in this company you will go far… Until his Gold Digging Wife realizes that either her husband is sleeping with you or trying to sleep with you. Then she will feel threatened and fire you… Well she wont do it… She will just make the call to have someone else do it because she doesn’t even have the integrity or guts to do it herself. HEY CATHY…. There are a lot of pretty girls there at DEI… Who do you think Russ has lined up to take your place???? Good thing you got that little “Insurance Policy” isn’t it…

So just email them direct… Maybe you will get what you want… I doubt it… and when you do not get it… CALL THE FTC AND COMPLAIN!

This company and Russ and Cathy Dalbey are the most un-loyal untrustworthy that have NO integrity that I have ever met…

Here is your loyalty….

email them direct….

Cathy Dalbey

Russ Dalbey

Remeber… its a secret….

Russ has recently fired all of his senior talent or they quit and walked out the door… He is either intentionally running his company into the ground or is just too stupid to even realize that he is such an idiot he can not do it himself… If you spend a dime with him all you do is help him continue to rip people off.

Submitted by Former Empoyee

from FIAD Services – Arbitration and Litigation Specialists

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